Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Comedy Star ~~will ferrell
"Some actors want to be taken seriously. Not you, because you know life is more fun when you're laughing, or when an audience is laughing at your latest movie. You have a sense of humor about your career, but how could you not? Sure, you're entertaining people, but the bottom line is that you're getting paid to talk in wacky voices and act like an idiot. And that's awesome!"

He can alway make to eveyone laugh. He is affectionate so i want to become him.
I am learning to be funny now .I am wistful, i can do it....
I always smile and i hope this makes eveyone cheerful.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tongue Twister Database

Kangnoos are Kinetic and koalas are kind

Ki was a kidnapper, she kidnapped the kangroo and koala.

Ki was a killer, she killed the kangaroo and koala in the kitchen.

hoi ki lives in hong kong.
hoi ki is independent, intelligent, indecisive and impatient
i saw an inviting ice cream. Because i am impatient, i didn't want to wait!
i like go to an international internet bar to play an interactive internet game
The international internet bar is important to me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm moody! So i have many favorite kinds of music. At the moment, I like this song. The song celebrates Chinese New Year because this week is Chinese New Year. The song hopes many things like good health, beautiful, finding a good job with a good salary and that everybody's wishes are fulfilled. "Congratulations and be prosperous!"

I love it so much!I think all Asian people in Australia like this music. Last night I went to a temple and I saw many people with their families. I said to them "congratulations and be prosperous"! This moment made my feel bad because i wanted to be with my parents to celebrate Chinese New Year! I miss them so much!